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据日本《每日新闻》报道,日本名古屋大学研究人员近日成功开发出一种原子级别的纳米电线,这种电线由化合物制成,直径只有毛发的大约万分之一。 据介绍,研究小组将完全去除了不纯物质的直径约2纳米的碳纳米管与一种叫氯化铒的化合物一起放入真空的耐热容器,并在700摄氏度的高温条件下连续加热7天。7天后,纳米管中的氯化铒完全融化,形成了一根由氯原子与铒原子构成的直径约为1.8纳米的纳米电线。据介绍,以往...
9 May 2007,The University of York’s student section of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), the only student section of the Society in the UK, will host its society’s first national student fair at th...
Washington, DC (April 26, 2007) - Edison Electric Institute President Thomas R. Kuhn today applauded the long-awaited designation of proposed National Electric Transmission Corridors by the U.S. Depar...
April 26, 2007,Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have devised a system for manipulating and precisely positioning individual nanowires on semiconductor wafers. T...
April 20, 2007--The University of Delaware has been awarded $1.9 million from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to establish the new Center for Spintronics and Biodetection.
April 12, 2007,Choosing a flat-panel display for a television or video screen can be more complicated that you might think. Did you know, for instance, that the lighting in your living room can make a...
03 Apr 2007,ROSSLYN, VA) - The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) today announced that FedBid and Tiax have joined its new associate member program. The program is designed to make t...
Electron tunnelling seen in real time     laser  Electron       2007/4/9
4 April 2007,The strong electric field from an intense laser pulse can cause electrons to "tunnel" away from an atom in just one billion-billionth of a second. Now physicists in Germany are the first ...
April 4, 2007,In a popular children's game, participants stand as close as possible without touching. But on a microscopic level, coaxing cells to be very, very close without actually touching one ano...
25-Mar-2007,CHAMPAIGN, Ill. ?Despite the attractive electrical properties and physical features of single-walled carbon nanotubes, incorporating them into scalable integrated circuits has proven to be...
Spins take their time to relax     electron  Spins       2007/3/26
22 March 2007,To store and process information using the spin of an electron, the spin needs to be relatively robust. The most important property that determines a spin's robustness is its spin-relaxa...
05/03/2007,In the run-up to National Science and Engineering Week (9-18 March), a Salford engineer is asking whether the huge growth in telecommunications technology is in danger of destroying the qua...
Feb. 15, 2007,LIVERMORE, Calif. — Gold is shiny, diamonds are transparent, and iron is magnetic. Why is that?The answer lies with a material ’s electronic structure, which determines its electrical, o...
08 March 2007,The companies were all set up recently and are judged to have the potential to grow rapidly. They are hoping for the same success as three firms – SiConnect, Air Semiconductor and Ubiqui...
09 March 2007,BERKELEY – Got a hot meeting Monday morning? You may need to double-check your watch, your calendar, and your key ring.Daylight Saving Time (DST) goes into effect this weekend, as timepi...









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