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北京大学心理与认知科学学院周广玉研究员课题组在疫情期间的成果“Using the health action process approach to predict facemask use and hand washing in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in China”在Current Psychology上发表,论文揭示了在新冠疫情...
中国科学院心理研究所陈楚侨研究员受邀担任Journal of Abnormal Psychology编委
陈楚侨 Journal of Abnormal Psychology 编委 临床心理学
中国科学院心理研究所研究员陈楚侨最近受邀加入Journal of Abnormal Psychology编委会。Journal of Abnormal Psychology (JAP)是美国心理学会出版的期刊,也是异常与临床心理学领域的旗舰刊物,主要发表精神病理学及其他异常行为及其神经机制领域的基础研究和理论的高质量文章。明尼苏达大学教授Angus McDonald III是现任主编。刊物基于陈楚...
中国科学院心理研究所李纾研究员和饶俪琳副研究员受邀分别担任Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology副主编和编委
中国科学院心理研究所 李纾研 饶俪琳 Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology
中国科学院行为科学重点实验室李纾研究员和饶俪琳副研究员日前受Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology期刊邀请加入该刊编辑委员会(Editorial Board)。其中,李纾研究员受邀担任该刊副主编,饶俪琳副研究员受邀担任该刊编辑委员。
Welcome to the website of the European Health Psychology Society. The European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) is a professional organisation formed to promote empirical and theoretical research in a...
The Japanese Association of Health Psychology
The Japanese Association of Health Psychology
The Japanese Association of Health Psychology (JAHP) aims to promote research on health psychology, contribute to the dissemination of research results, and support JAHP members in mutually exchanging...
Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychology 2016
Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychology 2016
Sponsored by CANPA (the Caribbean Alliance of National Psychological Associations - http://canpanet.org) and hosted by the Haitian Psychological Association (La Association Hatienne de Psychologie)
The 6th Asian Congress of Health Psychology (ACHP 2016)
6th Asian Congress Health Psychology
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am pleased to announce that the 6th Asian Congress of Health Psychology (ACHP 2016) will be held in PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan, from July 23 to 24, 2016. ACHP 20...
加州伯克利心理学系(The Department of Psychology at U.C. Berkeley)
加州伯克利心理学系 The Department of Psychology at U.C. Berkeley
The Department of Psychology includes a number of organized research groups. Below is a list of the groups.The Behavioral Neuroscience area encompasses faculty and students united by a common interes...

Professo David A. Levitsky,Department of Psychology at Cornell University(图)
Professor Elizabeth Adkins Regan Department of Psychology at Cornell University
Psychologists’ Understandings of Resilience:Implications for the Discipline of Psychology and Psychology Practice
Psychologists Understandings Psychology Psychology Practice
Current adoptions of strength-based approaches, as suggested by the positive psychology movement, asks professionals to develop different perspectives on familiar constructs. Given that we have little...
The Department of Psychology at Stanford University
The Department of Psychology at Stanford University
The first president of Stanford, David Starr Jordan, recruited many of the new faculty from the two universities where he had served: Cornell University and Indiana University. The first head of the D...
The Economics and Psychology of Personality Traits
Economics Psychology Personality Traits
There is ample evidence from economics and psychology that cognitive ability is a powerful predictor of economic and social outcomes.It is intuitively obvious that cognition is essential in processing...
第14届欧洲运动心理学议会(14th European Congress of Sport Psychology).
第14届欧洲心理学大会(14th European Congress of Psychology)
第14届 欧洲心理学 大会(14th European Congress of Psychology)
The Italian Network of Psychologists’ Associations (INPA) warmly invites you to the 14th European Congress of Psychology (ECP) to be held in Milan on 7-10 July 2015 under the auspices of the European ...

Professor William J. Hoyer,The Psychology Department at Syracuse University(图)
memory skill learning
The overall goal of my research is to understand how individuals gain and retain knowledge. In particular, my research is focused on 1) cognitive control and understanding the factors that affect choi...